One Spartan routine It is an intense training system and is focused on working the whole body. The main objective is to reduce fat and build muscle mass; To achieve this, this routine is performed three days a week, complemented with cardio routines between the days of hypertrophy, a day of total rest and of course, the incorporation of a food plan with which the plan is complemented.
This is an intense training system and should not be run by beginners. It is important to note that the technique of execution of the exercises must be correct.
In order to avoid the risk of injury, prior to training, a stretching and warm-up routine should be performed.
Spartan Routine
Monday: shoulders and back
- Push Press (Military Press standing with bar and in front) alternated with Pull-ups to muscle failure, performed with an open grip: 8 sets of 8 repetitions.
- Lateral lifts with seated dumbbells for the shoulders and Military Press with Arnold type dumbbells: 8 sets of 8 repetitions.
- Pulley pulls with closed and supinated grip for back and pulley pulls with open grip and front also for the bibs: 4 sets of 8 repetitions.
Tuesday: Cardio routine
- Semi-vertical push-ups: 5 sets of 8 repetitions
- Pull-ups pronada: 5 sets of 12 repetitions
- Jump squats: 5 sets of 24 repetitions
- Dive bomber: 5 sets of 8-16 repetitions
- Supine pull-ups: 5 sets of 12 repetitions
- Parallel backgrounds: 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Bulgarian squat: 5 sets of 24 repetitions
Wednesday: Abdominals and lower body
- Elevation of legs hanging to muscle failure with 5 or 10 kg of additional weight for abdomen (if you can): 7 sets of 8 repetitions
- Deep squat: 6 sets of 8 repetitions
- Strides with dumbbells or barbell: 6 sets of 8 repetitions
- Romanian dumbbell deadlift: 6 sets of 8 repetitions
- Scissors on the floor and crunch in v to the failure for abdomen: 8 sets of 8 repetitions
Thursday: Cardio routine
- One-leg assist squat: 5 sets of 10 repetitions (per leg)
- Leg pole lift: 5 sets of 12 repetitions
- Jump squat: 5 sets of 24 repetitions
- L held on bar or parallel bars: 5 sets of 10-20 seconds position
- Jump stride: 5 sets of 24 repetitions (per leg)
- One-leg heel lifts: 5 sets of 16 repetitions (per leg)
- Push-ups with clap: 5 sets of 20 repetitions
Friday: chest, arms and lumbar
- Inclined press with dumbbells for chest and backgrounds to muscle failure on parallel bars: series of 8 repetitions
- Press with inclined bench bar: 4 sets of 8 repetitions
- Dumbbell openings on declined bench: 4 sets of 8 repetitions
- Declined press with bar and two-handed cup: 4 sets of 8 repetitions
- Hammer curl, pulley pulls with rope and curl with inverted grip using a zbar: 7 sets of 8 repetitions of
Saturday: Cardio routine
- Vertical push-ups (assisted pine): 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Prone pull-ups: 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Parallel backgrounds: 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Semi-vertical push-ups: 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Pull-ups or supines: 5 sets of 16 repetitions
- Push-ups with clap (slaps): 5 sets of 16 repetitions
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