When looking for weight reduction techniques, you may be bombarded with “miracle” diets like keto and paleo. I will fast from 5pm to 2am. Each has loyal followers who brag on social media about cutting out carbs, sweets, meat or meals. It can be hard to make one choice.
When choosing a new diet, ask yourself, “Is it sustainable?” Your favorite meals? Can you maintain this diet while socializing and dining out?” Here are the most effective diets for weight loss.
Mediterranean Diet
Last year’s fan favorite deserves a fresh look. Mediterranean diets contain avocados, olive oil, almonds, fish twice a week, beans, fruits, leafy greens, whole grains and a glass of red wine a day. Red meat should not be eaten more than twice a week.
This diet helps people lose weight by reducing their risk of chronic disease and cognitive impairment. If you consume 1,500 calories or less per day, this diet can help you lose weight. Studies suggest that a low-carbohydrate variation of the traditional Mediterranean diet can reduce weight by 5 to 10 percent over one year. A recent British study found that people who followed a Mediterranean diet were twice as likely to keep the weight off.
Weight-Watchers (WW) Diet
Your grandmother may have used Weight Watchers to lose weight. MyWW+ assigns points to foods based on calories, saturated fat, sugar and protein. As long as you stay within your daily point limit, you can eat anything. Products without points are free for unlimited use (most fruits and vegetables and lean proteins like fish, tofu, beans, eggs and chicken breast fall into this category). Members receive a points tracking app, digital assistance and unlimited meetings for $3.22 per week. For $11.69 per week, they get a personal trainer.
WW has been proven effective and safe for weight loss. According to a 2013 study, people on a WW diet were eight times more likely to lose 10% of their body weight in six months than those on a diet alone. If you know which healthy meals have few or no points, it’s simpler to lose weight even if you stop following each meal.
Vegan Diet
Vegans give up meat, fish, poultry, eggs and honey. Some adopt a vegan diet to lose weight, while others do so for moral or environmental reasons. The many plant-based animal alternatives make veganism easier than ever.
Veganism alone will not help you lose weight. Sweets, spaghetti and chips are vegan but not healthy or low-calorie. Studies suggest that people who follow a plant-based diet have a lower average BMI than people who eat animal products. Vegans and vegetarians are more likely to continue their diets than those on a paleo diet because they are motivated by ethics and morals rather than weight loss.
Intermittent fasting (Fasting)
There are several methods of performing intermittent fasting. Some people eat all they want five days a week and 500 calories the other two, while others eat only within an 8-hour window. You can eat freely from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., then fast for 16 hours.
Weight loss occurs when you eat fewer calories than you expend. This diet can also boost your metabolism. Previous research has shown that intermittent fasting results in weight loss similar to caloric restriction.
Plant-Based Diet
A plant-based diet, like the Flexitarian, is not restrictive. Your diet must be primarily plant-based, although you may occasionally eat chicken and eggs. Unlike the normal American diet, in which meat is the main attraction and vegetables are an afterthought, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains take center stage.
Plant-based meals have more fiber and less fat than animal products, which helps you lose weight. Adults who followed a plant-based diet for six months lost an average of 30 pounds.
Paleo Diet
Although maintaining a Paleolithic diet is difficult for modern people, the Paleo fad remains popular. This diet emphasizes lean meat, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, and other paleo foods. It avoids processed foods, dairy products, grains, beans and legumes.
Ketogenic Diet
High-fat, low-carbohydrate diets can produce initial weight reduction because ketosis uses fat stores for energy instead of carbohydrates.
Dash Diet
DASH is a low sodium diet designed to reduce the need for blood pressure medication. It is also used in the weight loss literature. The DASH diet emphasizes fresh vegetables, healthy grains, and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
Follow the DASH diet’s heart-healthy recommendations and limit calories to lose weight and lower your blood pressure. Obese seniors who followed the DASH diet lost weight and reduced body fat, according to a new study. With a calorie restriction plan, you can lose weight on this anti-inflammatory, high-fiber diet.