admin | March 8, 2015 | Health |
In most cases insomnia, depression, allergies, joint pain, excess weight, headache, acne and fatigue are indicator to a toxic overload and imbalance. According to health experts weight gain and belly fat are somehow connected with toxic buildups in the liver.
The liver is a vital organ which has two main functions, to metabolize fat and to cleanse the blood. Overworked and fatty liver can cause weight gain and other health problems.
When you are stressed, fatty cells release stored toxins and cause cellular damage, but the liver cannot process these amounts of toxins. Usually the toxins are stored in cell membranes, muscle tissue, brain tissue, and even nervous tissue.
According to Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton weight gain is directly connected to the natural weight control system. In a way this system is directly affected by the food that we eat, the environment that surrounds us and all the skin care and cleaning products. So we can conclude that through these processes this system gets poisoned and loaded with chemicals on a daily basis.
In her book, The Detox Diet – Eliminate Chemical Calories and Enhance Your Natural Slimming System, Dr. Baillie-Hamilton is explaining the connection between toxic synthetic chemicals and the modern fat epidemic.
The toxins are clogging up the liver and are affecting its role in burning the fat. One of the healthiest all natural ways to protect our body from toxic buildup is detoxification. You will eliminate the fatty deposits once the toxins are eliminated. So try this detox beverage and enjoy its results.
Detox drink – Recipe
- 1/3 tsp. turmeric
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 12 oz. water
- 1 tbsp. honey
Mix all these ingredients together and consume this beverage on a daily basis. And remember by sharing your experience you can help someone who may use the benefits that are provided by this detox beverage.
Sources: Healthy Food House , Living Traditionally