Researches have shown that almost all women are conscious about their breasts size. There are few women who are really satisfied with their bust size. While some women want to increase their bust size, there are women who want to reduce it. Women with small breasts suffer from inferiority complex for not having curvaceous big breasts. As a result, they’ll go to any extent to achieve a fuller bust. That is why, there are so many creams, gels, oils and treatments for increasing the breast size.
Nevertheless, these are rarely effective, and the only thing left is surgical implants. Cosmetic surgery has been the answer for many women, but going under the knife is not an easy task and unfortunately the surgery is quite expensive. However, there is a way of increasing the bust size naturally which many women are unaware of. Yoga can give you the natural bust size you’ve always wanted. Do the following yoga poses and experience the difference yourself.
Popularly known as the cobra pose, this pose is very easy and you can do it at home. It will help you achieve your goal in no time. To perform it, you’ll need to lie down on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor and lift your upper body by pressing the palms against the floor. Half lift your body and look upright. Hold this position for a few seconds and get in the resting position. Repeat this position 2 to 3 times.
Gowmukhasana or the cow pose, has been found effective for breast enlargement. Start the position by sitting in the lotus pose. Lift your arms to make them parallel with your shoulder. Twist the left arm backward and try to touch the right arm. Repeat the pose similarly on opposite side.
This pose is also referred to as the camel pose. Sit on your knees. While bending backward, try holding your right ankle with your right hand and your left ankle with your left hand. Lift your buttock making an arch and drop your head backward. Remain in this position for few seconds and repeat it again one or two times.
Known as the tree position, it epitomizes the benefits of yoga in terms of balance. Even though it looks quite simple, it’s hard to achieve the kind of stability and balance required to carry out this pose. Stand straight on the floor, lift you left leg and place it on your right thigh. Now inhale and raise your hands in praying pose above the head. Stay in this position for a few seconds and release it. Repeat it same way on the opposite side.
Another effective pose for breast enlargement. Stand straight with your feet apart. Then take your hands behind you and lock them together. Slowly bend your upper body backwards and lift your locked arms simultaneously. Stay in this pose for 20 to 30 seconds and release it. Repeat it 2 to 3 times.
Source: Ayurvedic Cure