Back pain – a condition many people suffer from.The usual way to stop the pain is by taking pills, however doing a few simple exercises will have the same effect. Lower back pain can last for days and sometimes even the strongest pills can’t help.
Back pain affects almost 60% of the population. The most affected being people aged between 20 and 40.
Among the usual causes of back pain are: back injuries, pregnancy and childbirth, excessive sitting, lack of physical activity, pressure on nerves (herniated disc, osteoarthritis, curvature of the spine) and compression fractures (a consequence of the strong pressure on the spongiform bone).
There is good news however. You can reduce or even get rid of lower back pain by doing exercises. Today, we’ll give you exercises you can do at home in order to reduce the pain. Although we advise you to seek help from a physician in order to avoid major injuries.
Pilates is highly recommended for treating back pain.Pilates encourages proper posture, increases flexibility and strengthens the muscles and awareness of your own body.Do note that Pilates exercises, despite the usual thinking, are not just for women. Men can practice Pilates as well and feel its beneficial effects on health.
When doing these exercises, it’s very important to pay attention to deep breathing, high head carriage and maintaining symmetry and balance. You should exercise slowly and gently in order to avoid any cause for feeling pain.
Infant Pose
Kneel and sit on your heels. Then, spread the knees and tilt your head forward.Do this movement until your head can touch the floor.
Bring your head on the same level as your knees. You can stretch your arms either in front of you or behind you. Stay in this position for a while until you feel your muscles relaxed.
Stretching The Arms And Legs While In Kneeling Position
Kneel, leaning on your hands. Make sure your spine is straight. First, inhale, and extend your left arm and right leg, and breathe in three times. Then, exhale and return to the starting position.Repeat these movements with the opposite arm and leg.
Cat’s And Cow’s Poses
Kneel, leaning on your hands. Look down and make sure the backbone is straight. Place your palms under your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.Breathe. Then, during exhalation pull the stomach in and fold back up as much as you can, like a cat.
Then, you’ll jump to the cow’s position. Inhale and slowly twist your back down, one vertebra at a time and lift your head. Your abdominal muscles should be under pressure in order to comply with the lower part of the back. Repeat this exercise from cat’s to cow’s position and vice versa.