Are apricot seeds a natural source of a substance that kills cancer cells without destroying the health and hitting the pockets of patients? The essential ingredient is called leatril or vitamin B17.
If there is some truth in this, why is this information not wide known? Why are testimonials of people who have been cured or who have cured others censored or are they even imprisoned? Maybe there is something in their claims?
Keep in mind that the industry that deals with cancer, according to realistic estimates, disposes with over 200 billion $ worldwide over just one year. There are many different ranking associations, within these industries, that have lost their jobs when they dried up the sources of money, because a news has been published that a cheaper, much less harmful and more efficient drugs have appeared and that this drugs are also easily accessible. Also large pharmacy would simply disappeared.
The seeds of a ripe apricot are very healthy. All you need to do is let the seed dry in the sun for about 2-3 days.Then crush the hard crust of the seeds and clean the as well as you clean almonds. In the middle of the apricot seeds there is a delicious meaty core just like the almonds.
Dry this apricot meaty core, exactly the way you do with almonds. You can eat this meaty core all that you want. Not only that this core is tasty, it is also very healthy and the best thing is that you can keep them a whole year.
Dried apricots fleshy core, as we have said is similar to almonds. Eating them can you want, tasty and healthy have you can and keep them as almonds whole year.
What is actually leatril or B17?
In 1952 Dr Ernst Krebb Jr., a biochemist, from San Francisco, concluded that cancer is a metabolic reaction of the body to poor nutrition and the key to overcoming the cancer could be very simple-getting the nutrients that are missing in modern man’s diet. His research has led to a compound found in over 1200 edible plants found in nature. This compound is amagdylin.
Members of the tribe Hunza, stored and dried apricots.Nothing goes to waste, the meat and the seeds of the apricot are dried and all is to be eaten (except the hard crust of seeds). This is the only nation in the world who has never had a single case of cancer !!!!
Amagdylin, in highest concentrations and together with all the necessary enzymes, is found in the core of the apricot seeds. It is known that the primitive tribe of Hunza has consumed a large amount of cores from the apricot seeds. They broke the hard crust down in order to get to the soft core. They live long and healthy and there has never been a single case of cancer among the people from this tribe. Leatril is produced by simple extraction of amagdylina from the soft core of apricot seeds, purified and concentrated.
Amagdylin is nitriloside. Nitrilosides are difficult to classify because they are located in food, and are not food themselves. As nitriloside, amgdylins structure resembles a group of B vitamins, so Dr. Krebb termed it as B17, considering that previously were isolated 16 from the the vitamin B group.
Dr Krebb had a shot of leatril himself in order to make sure that there are no toxic effects. He conducted many tests on animals and crops in the laboratory and found that leatril can be effective in treating cancer. Incidentally, the standard of the US Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the safety of medicines known as LD50, where LD represents a lethal dose and 50 represent the percent of the laboratory animals poisoned from the drugs test to the point of dying.
As long as the percentage of killed animals is below 50%, the FDA will approve this remedy!
Since leatril is obtained directly from the nutrients found in the nature, and is not produced chemically in a laboratory, it is impossible to be patented. And, of course, it is not toxic. In other words, as is the case with all natural ingredients that heal, the big pharmaceutical empire and the AMA (American Medical Association) can not get rich at the expense of these substances, even at the expense of long-term side effects caused by long term use of this drug.
There are several testimonies of cancer patients who have been cured just by chewing large amounts of apricot seeds.
The seeds are more accessible to consumers than Laetrile, that the FDA banned in 1971. It is difficult, but not impossible to produce Leatril. The seeds of the apricot are actually soft, they have almond-shaped core, bitter taste and are placed inside a hard shell. They can be consumed as soon as they are out of their hard shell. In any case, they are available and are not expensive.
How does it work?
Amagdylin contains 4 types of substance-two types glucose, benzaldyhid and cyanide. Cyanide and benzaldyhid are only poisons if they are discharged or released as a pure molecule, but they are harmless when are related to other molecular formations. Many types of food contain cyanide, but this food is safe, because the cyanideis part of other molecules and therefore can not cause damage.
In normal cells there even exist enzymes that trap molecules of free cyanide and combine them with sulfur, making them harmless. This enzyme is a rhodanese, which acts as a catalyst in the coupling reaction of free cyanide and sulfur. Combining cyanide with sulfur we get cyanates, neutral substance that easily passes into the urine without damaging healthy cells.
But cancer cells are abnormal cells. They contain an enzyme that others stations do not have – a beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, specific only for cancer cells, is responsible for unlocking the enzyme which acts on the molecule of the amagdylina. It releases benzaldyhid and cyanide, which together create a toxic compound. It acts on beta-glucosidase, which causes the self-destruction of cancer cells.
Amagdylin and leatril, together with the protective enzymes from the normal cells and enzymes released from the cancer cells are able to destroy cancer cells without compromising normal cells.
Source: Natural News