Sugar is something we consume every day. Detoxing is important to get the toxic sugar out of your body.
The cause of obesity and most chronic diseases, sugar causes heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression, acne, infertility and impotence. The average American consumes about 152 pounds of sugar per year. That equals about 22 teaspoons every day for every person. Our kids are consuming about 34 teaspoons every day, and that’s more than two 20-ounce sodas.
Detoxing our body from sugar breaks the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that take our good health. It takes around ten days or less, and will leave you with no cravings, no bland or boring diet foods, no deprivation, just abundance and delight. At the end of the ten days, you will get your body and your mind back. Here is the ten day.
- Do you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes?
- Do you have belly fat?
- Are you overweight?
- Do you crave sugar and carbs?
- Do you have trouble losing weight on low-fat diets?
- Do you have high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol or been told your blood sugar is a little high?
- Do you eat when you’re not hungry?
- Do you experience a food coma after eating?
- Do you feel bad about eating habits or avoid certain activities because of your eating habits?
- Do you go through withdrawal symptoms if you cut back or stop eating sugar or flour?
- Do you need more and more of the same bad foods just to feel good?
If you’re answer was yes to most of these questions, then you should probably start this detox as soon as possible.
- Be a cold turkey – Sometimes, you need to outright stop an addiction. It will reset the body’s neurotransmitters and hormones, and as a resultstop all forms of sugar, flour products, and artificial sweeteners these cause an increase in cravings and slow the metabolism.
- Don’t drink calories – Liquid calories are worse than flour and solid foods. Liquid calories turn off fat storage to the liver leading to belly fat.
- Power up with protein – Especially important at breakfast, protein is the key to balancing the blood sugar and insulin and cutting cravings.
- Eat unlimited carbs–Be sure however you’re eating the right carbs. Otherwise you’ll start to gain weight. Greens, anything in the broccoli family, asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, fennel, eggplant, artichokes, and peppers are full of starches.
- Fight sugar with fat–Something you need to know is that not all fats make you fat. They make you feel full, balanceblood sugar, and are necessary for fueling the cells. Proteins have good fats like extra virgin olive oil, coconut butter, avocados, and omega-3 fats.
- Be emergency ready – Always be prepared. You don’t want to be in a food emergency where blood sugar is dropping, and you find yourself in a food desert. Always have a food emergency kit with you.
- Change distress to de-stress–Stress rises cortisol levels, this leads to the feeling of being hungry which causes belly fat storage and leads to type 2 diabetes. Taking deep breaths activates a special nerve that is the vagus nerve that shifts the metabolism from fat storage to fat burning and quickly moves the body out of the stress state.
- Get rid of inflammation – It causes blood sugar spikes, insulin resistance, and pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The most common causes of inflammation are foods such as sugar, flour, and Trans fats (the most common culprits is gluten and dairy).
- Get sleep – It’s important you get enough sleep, as sleeping drives sugar and carb cravings by affecting the appetite hormones. Depriving yourself of sleep raises hunger hormones. Sleep is the best to fight against the drive to overeating.
Source: Buy NON-GMO Seeds