We all have those moments when we feel angry, frustrated and emotional, for no apparent reason. Isn’t that right ladies? For this, we often blame our hormones. No matter what your partner says, it’s not just a lame excuse. Hormones, do in fact, play a very important role in women’s health and well-being. When their level fluctuates, it can have an impact on your mood, sexual desire, fertility and ovulation.
What causes a hormonal imbalance?
If you’re experiencing a hormonal imbalance, you are not lone, as hormone problems are common.Certain causes, can throw off your body’s natural chemistry.Common culprits are menopause, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, the contraceptive pill, and lifestyle factors such as inconsistent sleep patterns, stress a poor diet and lack of exercise.Other causes can be thyroid issues or diabetes.
Common signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance
Sleep Disorders
Many women find it hard to fall asleep mainly just before their period.This may be due to the sharp drop in the hormone progesterone just before menstruation.Progesterone levels also drop after giving birth.But then, you can always blame your baby for not getting enough sleep.Progesterone has relaxing properties, and when progesterone levels drop, it can make you feel restless and cause you sleep disorders.
Persistent Acne
As a result of hormonal shifts, a lot of women breakout before their period. But, if you suffer from deep, cystic acne all the time, then it could be androgens (male hormones such as testosterone) which are the culprit. Because testosterone stimulates excess production of sebum (oil), which then gets trapped underneath the skin and merges with acne-causing bacteria and dead skin cellspores, pimples, and blemishes can get clogged. So, the higher a woman’s testosterone levels, the worse the breakout. You can use herbs and natural acne treatments for easier cases of acne.
Memory Fog
Have you started to forget things? For example, where you put your purse, or what time you’re meant to meet your friend? If your answer is yes, then this could be a hormonal issue.If you’ve been experiencing a high amount of stress recently, then your body will be producing high levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Several studies have shown that consistently high levels of cortisol can hamper your learning ability and memory.
Constant Hunger
If you can’t keep your hands out the cookie jar, don’t worry. Yes it’s important to eat healthy and exercise, however, it may be your hormones that make you so ravenous.
Are you getting enough sleep? A study conducted with sleep deprived volunteers, saw their levels of the hormone ghrelin soar — making them extremely hungry — while their levels of leptin hormone plummeted. As you can see, he hormone ghrelin stimulates appetite, and leptin and oxyntomodulin, suppresses it. This shows why people who are chronically sleep-deprived (getting less than seven hours a night) tend to be more overweight than those who get more sleep.