One reader boasted herself that with the help of alternative medicine, she was able to cure herself from rheumatism, even though official medicine could not help her at all in solving her problem.
The doctors failed to cure the rheumatism in her hands. She felt a really bad numbness of her hands and a lot of pain mostly at night. Therefore she had to do something, and this is when she looked for help in the alternative medicine. Here’s the recipe that helped her:
- 2 kg of real meadow honey
- 1 liter of rainwater or distilled water
- 250 g of dry alfalfa clover
Cook the clover for an hour over low heat until it boils. Then drain this mixture and add the honey. Mix well all the ingredients and consume 2 tablespoons of this remedy after meals, three times a day.
After a while you will no longer feel tingling in your hands, or unbearable pain and waking during the night, and you will finally stop dropping things out of your hands.