This amazing drink will burn the fat in your stomach 4 x faster, it will prevent cancer and it will remove all the toxins from your body.
Matcha tea is one of the oldest and strongest tea beverages in the world. It originated in Japan, and people around the world have been using it for thousands of years. This drink has amazing flavor and color, and is very healthy.
Here in this article we will show you the recipe for the Matcha tea.
For preparation of this amazing drink you will need:
- Camellia sinensis leaves (fresh or 2 tablespoons of powdered matcha tea)
- Hot water
- Ginger
- Honey (if you want to improve the taste)
How to consume it:
As for the consummation, you need to drink one cup of tea every morning and every night.
At this point you should know that there are many health benefits from drinking this amazing potion. Here in this article we will show you how only one cup of Matcha tea can help your body.
Namely one cup of Matcha tea will provide will provide you with the following health benefits:
It stimulates your metabolism.
It is great if you want to lose weight 25% faster than the others.
Matcha is excellent antioxidant. Therefore this tea is extremely effective in fighting cancer.
Due to its powerful combination of unique compounds, this tea will provide you with fast and most importantly natural boost of your metabolism.
This drink will prevent any premature aging. It will also protect you against UV and many skin diseases.