Nutritional value (1 medium): 105 calories, 3 g fiber, source of vitamin B6, potassium and folate.
Disease-fighting factor: Containing 422 milligrams of potassium per banana, they have more potassium than most fruits and can help lower blood pressure levels.
Did you know? People with rubber latex allergies may also be allergic to bananas since the two come from similar trees and share a common protein.
Delicious and healthful, most fruits are rich in vitamins A and C, plus folate and other essential nutrients.They can help prevent heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent some types of cancer and guard against vision loss.Health Canada recommends most women get seven or eight servings of fruit and vegetables each day.
Some people think: “If it’s the vitamins that promote good health, why not just pop supplements?”. Well, fruits like the sun-drenched peaches and vine-ripened grapes contain more than just vitamins.They’re a complex combination of fibers, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals – as well as the vitamins.They work in combination to provide protective benefits. You can’t get all that from a pill.
All fruits offer health benefits. However the following 25 stand out as nutrient-dense powerhouses with the most disease-fighting potential. (Note: Only the best sources of each vitamin, mineral and antioxidant are listed in the “nutritional value” section.)
Medical significance
Phytochemicals: More than 1,000 known phytochemicals have antioxidant properties that help protect our cells against disease-causing damage. Phytochemicals are often identified by their color (for example, the purple-hued anthocyanins in blackberries and the red lycopene in tomatoes). Each colorful phytochemical provides a different health benefit to the body.So for the best protection against a variety of diseases, choose an array of colorful fruits each day.
Free radicals: What are Free radicals? – They are harmful molecules that occur naturally in the body (they can come from pesticides, pollution, smoking and radiation). They damage the body’s cells, which can lead to cancer and heart disease.
Antioxidants: They are powerful substances that can protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Some of the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals found in fruit can act as antioxidants.
Source: Women`s Best