Have you ever heard of Jin Shin Jyustu? It can be described as a time-honored healing art involving gentle application of hands on the body according to established procedures (addressing particular circulation pathways in a consistent, sequential pattern). It rallies body’s own healing mechanisms, as it’s intended to help harmonize and balance the vital energy of the whole person — mind, body and spirit.
By placing our handson certain areas, we can open them up and release the congestion so that the energy can flow uninterrupted down the front and up the back. A sense of well-being and happiness appears when all the energies are flowing in harmony.
It’s very easy to do. You just need to check the chart above to decide which are to focus on.Hold the corresponding finger based on the emotion you want to calm or organ you want to heal for 3-5 minutes while taking deep breaths. A study done at the Markay Cancer Center, showed this kind of therapy was able to note positive benefits, including reduced stress and nausea, and less restlessness, in patients who underwent it.
Source: Living Traditionally