Neither women, nor men are spared from this health problem. Nevertheless, the symptoms in men and women are very different. With women, some of the symptoms appear even thirty days before the heart attack. If you recognize any of these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor as fast as you can, to prevent a heart attack.
One of the first symptoms you may encounter is shortness of breath. Women experiencing shortness of breath have a higher chance of having a heart attack. The respiratory and cardiovascular systems depends on each other. So, when the heart receives less blood, the lungs have less oxygen. The result of this is heavy breathing and shortness of breath.
The second symptom is feeling muscle weakness.Lack of blood circulation causes lack of oxygen throughout the body. So, when there is a lack of circulation, the muscles can’t function properly.
The third symptom – cold sweat. You mustn’t neglect it at any cost. If, for any reason, you’re experiencing dizziness, and cold sweat pours over you, there’s a possibility you’re in a pre-infarct condition. This symptom is especially noticeable if you rise suddenly, because the blood can’t reach the brain on time.
Chest tightness is the fourth symptom. When the coronary arteries narrow, normal blood flow is prevented and a sense of constriction in the chest occurs. Over time, you’re going to a feel stabbing-like pain.
Source: Natural Health Care For You