In the beginning of this article you must know that in a case of disabled kidney renal function, the health of the entire body is endangered.
Namely in this case it is crucial for you to visit your doctor and ask him to make your diet regime, because with one kidney the work is difficult and you can’t consume all kind of foods. You must also know that one kidney cannot handle with all the toxins and cleanse your organism from it on time.
You need to take special care for your health, especially if only one of your kidneys is working. By taking proper care of yourself you will avoid any complications.
At this point you need to know that one of the common causes of kidney damage is cadmium, which is a heavy metal that pollutes the environment via incineration of municipal waste, as well as through oil and burned coils.
Here in this article we will show you some of the symptoms that indicate that you have damaged kidneys.
Urinary disorders
As you probably already know, all the liquid in your body is cleansing in the kidneys. Therefore if you are having some kind of problem with urinating, this means that the problem in fact is in your kidneys.
However you should also note that this condition can have completely opposite symptoms, such as dark urine, less urine than normal, difficulties urinating, a feeling of pressure while urinating, or bloody urine.
Swelling in certain parts of the body
The kidneys help your body to eliminate all the toxins. However if these toxins are not properly eliminated, they will start to accumulate in some other body parts, such as the feet, arms, face, legs, and ankles.
Pain in the lower back
Renal impairment may often be manifested by pain in the lower back, on one body side at first, and then on both sides. In most of the cases, people feel more intense pain on the side on which they sleep.
Dryness, rash, itchy skin
At this point you need to know that if the renal function is disturbed, then all the toxins will accumulate in the blood. This will lead to a skin dryness, a persistent itching, and a rash. Namely these skin issues are important symptoms of a disturbed renal function, which means they should never be ignored. Also they must not be treated with creams and ointments. You need to visit your doctor immediately.
You need to know that the kidneys produce erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is a hormone that assists the red blood cell formation, which carries oxygen. Another important thing you need to know is that in the case of reduced number of red blood cells, you may experience constant fatigue, lack of oxygen in the cells, and anemia.
The kidneys are vital organs and are extremely important for your whole body. This means that you should maintain them functional as much as you can. If you want to restore their proper function, then you need to make some changes in your diet and your lifestyle. Namely you need to start consuming healthy foods and you most definitely need to avoid cadmium-rich products.
In addition, you must consume lots of natural juices, such as unsweetened cranberry juice, as well as natural teas from cranberries, thistle, and corn silk.